Although our official all day schooling is over for the summer, we do a fair bit of learning still. Things we've learned, studied or talked about this week:
Bugs (see garden post)
Tornadoes (we picked up Sim City 3000
at the thrift store and tornadoes can destroy your city!) plus our church is going down to Joplin, MO next week to help with the devastation there from tornadoes, so we've been discussing all of that
How to blanch greens (see garden post)
history of Winston Churchill
(we're still discussing him, and need to order books, but the discussion started because I named my dog Winston Churchill because our first dog's name is Clementine. Winston's wife's name was Clementine, it seemed fitting. Also, he came up in some book the little one is reading as well.)
history of Winston Churchill
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
All we've been doing the past couple weeks is go to the pool, go bowling (free games through Kids Bowl Free!), go to church, walk the dogs, paint, draw and read. What a life. What a lovely lovely blessed life!
Questions/thoughts I have…
I'm curious what others use for 7th grade anything? I really have no plans yet except we'll keep our Latin for Children
going and I plan to study American history, as well as the World's history during the time America was settled, up until now. Other than that, I'm open to suggestions. Could use a good foreign language program. We might study Spanish or mandarin Chinese? Who knows. :)
Things I’m working on…
Spring cleaning. Doesn't everyone use a bit of their summer to catch up on the things that get sloughed off during the school year? I've cleaned out my bedroom of all piles, clothes that don't fit or have stains, piles of books, papers, mail mail mail. It's so nice to have my room back! On my to-do list: Help the little one pare down her toys and clothes, clean closets, clean basement, hang curtains and new shades.
I'm Praying for...
I've been praying for guidance this week. Some things have been changing at hubby's work that mean less money for us and some expenses have come up that we're trying to pay for. So I'm trying to decide if I need to find a job, or start selling on Ebay again, or what? Not sure how to balance homeschooling and having my child home with me all summer, with working. Plus we're down to one car so I'd probably have to work in the evenings which takes away all my time with hubby. Like I said, just praying for guidance...
I've been praying for guidance this week. Some things have been changing at hubby's work that mean less money for us and some expenses have come up that we're trying to pay for. So I'm trying to decide if I need to find a job, or start selling on Ebay again, or what? Not sure how to balance homeschooling and having my child home with me all summer, with working. Plus we're down to one car so I'd probably have to work in the evenings which takes away all my time with hubby. Like I said, just praying for guidance...
What we're reading…
I was excited to find a few good books to read at the thrift store last night. The little one is anxious to see the Pirates of the Caribbean movies
but as of yet we have not let her. I found several Pirates of the Caribbean chapter books
, some a spinoff of when Jack Sparrow was younger
. For now, that will appease her interest. I found these for me:
10 Stupid Things Couples Do To Mess up Their Relationships
by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
The New Glucose Revolution
(I've been reading extensively on eating to the low glycemic index so this was a great find for me!)
I also picked up Ida B for her to read in the fall.
I’m cooking…
We've had such an explosion of Kale in our garden this year. I've given tons away but still it grows. So yesterday we blanched at least 4 Walmart bags full, plus one bag of Turnip greens. we then vacuum sealed
them and froze for future eating. It's so nice to stock up food I've grown for when we might need it in the fall, like when I run out of money before I run out of month! lol
What are you doing this fine day?!
What are you doing this fine day?!
Great garden!
Isn't it wonderful to be able to do a variety of learning in the summer months? We're really enjoying our quick, fun, but informational learning this summer thus far! Your garden looks aweseome! Ours is coming along, especially the peas and beans. We're trying lots of new stuff this year. We never have anything left for freezing those! The kids and their friends snack off of it while playing! LOL Stopping in from HHH!
I'm growing kale this year and really don't know how to use it. Not one of your typical staples up here in Oregon lol. Your link to looks interesting. Will have to check it out. I can feel for you in your need for guidance with work, etc. An opportunity arose for me to work at the stable next door which provided some much needed supplemental income for medical bills but it does take up a chunk of the day that I didn't have time to spare. Definitely a challenge at times, but we all seem to pull through somehow :)
Gosh I feel like a failure ... we have barely been keeping up with math so far this summer. We are reading like crazy, but nothing formal :) Your garden looks great! Blessings, Lisa
We love eating from our garden too. We have a very small one. Your summer looks wonderful.
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