(This post is linked to Homeschool Mother's Journal)
In our homeschool this week…
We've been researching our new pet (see favorite things below), habitats, foods, etc... We've been researching care and feeding of chickens and searching for where to buy some. We've been researching how to build an incubator if we decide to hatch eggs. My daughter has been reading a lot. She made a deal with the teen to take over the teen's job of changing the kitty litter and feeding the animals, for pay. She received her first salary and promptly spent it on the first two books in the Kane Chronicles
. I love when she finds a series she wants to read over and over.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
The pre-teen (formerly the little one) is heading off to camp on Monday so the excitement for this has been immeasurable. However she came down sick on Wednesday, fevers, chills, cough, etc... We're praying she is all better by Monday. Grandma heads to camp with her to be a counselor. Cross your fingers for good health.
My favorite thing this week was…
A new pet has joined our menagerie this week. We're not sure if we'll keep him or just study him and release again soon. Another favorite is Saturday. Hubby and I will celebrate our 23rd anniversary.. I'm thankful to God and all his workings in our lives. Without him, we would have never made it past the first year!
Things I’m working on…
Okay, I'm going to say it out loud... I'm planning homeschooling. I know, I'm not mentally ready for school to start but I'm feeling the need to begin some planning. I've been researching My Father's World, revisiting Sonlight, or trying to wing a history program. I'm a bit confused but I'm on a mission. I'll share our curriculum list when I figure it out. We usually start again in mid-August. We'll see. Maybe it will be after Labor Day. Who knows.
I’m reading…
A few books at the moment grace my bedside table: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
, Year of Plenty
and Have a New Kid By Friday
. All are wonderful so far and hard to put down.
I'm Cooking...
We hit the farmer's market last week and bought tons of veggies. Today I'm making a rhubarb pie. Actually two. One is rhubarb and peaches (for hubby who is allergic to strawberries), the other is strawberry rhubarb. It's my first foray into using rhubarb. Wish me luck!
I’m grateful for…
A few families we know from church have been getting together on Friday nights to hang out, play games and do a bible study. We've been studying our way through Philippians. What a blessing to my life, to my spiritual life that has been floundering in a desert without water. I've needed this so much. I've been rereading through Philippians as much as I can and seeing where I can apply it to my life.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
We attended Maker Faire in Kansas City the weekend before last. An event full of robots, inventions, science and art. It was amazing and very inspiring for the pre-teen. Here she is working one of the robots. (They have Maker Faires all over the country. Check it out for a city near you. Not to be missed!)
Your new pet is way better than mine! I got stuck with a snake..lol
We've turned into a TOTAL chicken family since incubating our eggs! Our 10 chicks are growing and changing! The kids LOVE to take them outside and hold them. (Fortunately they're all pretty docile and patient chicks! LOL)
The best with your school planning! I think I'm done. I think. ;)
Stopping in from THMJ!
Wow. Looks like we share some common ground...new turtle for a pet (ours hatchling though), your two current reading selections (Have a New Kid sure showed me flaws in my corrections), user of Sonlight, and married 25 years. Sounds like you enjoy life. Looking forward to exploring your blog.
Cute turtle! I just posted about how I'm totally squeamish about snakes, frogs and lizards... I think I could handle a turtle a lot better. I think! Lol. This is only my second year to homeschool, so I was too eager and can't seem to stop planning and prepping for the start of First Grade (we'll officially start after Labor Day). We're using MFW, and I'm pretty excited about it!
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