I think I have our school schedule all planned out. Oh no, not the schooling, just the holidays. lol
August 23rd - School starts
Sept 6th - Labor Day Holiday
Oct 4-8th - Break
Nov 22-26th - Thanksgiving Holidays
Dec 20-31st - Christmas Holidays
Feb 7-11th - Break
Mar 21-25th - Spring Break
April 29th - Last day of school
April 29th - Last day of school
This is my PLAN anyway. You know the saying... best laid plans of mice and men. I wonder what that is from? The book? OH, I found it: "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men" from Mice and Men
by John Steinbeck. I'm adding that to my list of books to read.
This accounts for 36 weeks of school with 6 weeks off interspersed. We'll do school for 6 weeks, have a week off, 6 weeks, have Thanksgiving week off, 3 weeks, have 2 weeks for Christmas. Then we'll have 5 weeks of school and a week break. 5 more weeks and a week break and then finish with 5 weeks of school. I am determined to finish by the end of April. If we get behind I'm sure we can keep schooling in May but by then we're usually done with looking at books, etc... The bitter cold winter and spring are always a hard time for us..
Hopefully I'll be dd's hero for throwing in so many weeks of holidays! LOL
It's just like me to think of scheduling the holidays first isn't it! lol I don't want to have burnout this year though. What is your schedule, for those who visit my blog?
I don't really keep a schedule. I've tried and it never works out as life gets in the way too many times. So we just do our best and call it good.
We start on the 30th of this month, go until Thanksgiving and take that week off.
Then three weeks at Christmas, two weeks in the Spring, and finish in early June.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today and commenting. It was so sweet!
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