School has ended for this family, this semester. We're enjoying our summer vacation and I'm trying not to think about the fact I have not finished up this semester's paperwork, nor planned for the fall.
The teen graduated this month and has her college classes for the fall all lined up. She took the ACT again a couple weeks ago and we're anxiously waiting her scores. Either way, she is still going to college at the local community college.
The summer has been packed with many kids visiting, spending the night, movie nights, pool days and laziness galore. We're trying to fill moments with art, reading and other things besides organized homeschool or TV. Camp time is coming up and I'm hoping to sneak away with the hubby for a weekend before the fall descends on us.
Today the little one had her cousin over and they searched high and low for a 'slip-n-slide' type apparatus in this house. They settled on a paint tarp. Perfect homemade summer fun!
I'll be back soon I'm sure, whining about all the schooling I need to plan, now for just one child. In the meantime, enjoy life. Talk soon.